Healing for Children & Restoration For Families
Serenity is a non-profit foster and adoption agency. Our mission is to break the cycle of abuse through early intervention programs for child victims and their biological families.
Serenity’s goal is to provide healing to children and restoration to families through the provision of treatment, resources, and quality care. Serenity demonstrates through its programming that abused infants and very young children can overcome attachment and bonding issues, developmental delays, and emotional scarring using therapeutic strategies in a healthy nurturing environment.
Serenity supports the Continuum of Care Reform vision that seeks for all children to live with a committed, permanent, and nurturing family with strong community connections. In most instances, reunifying with their biological family is the primary goal. When it appears that reunification efforts have failed, Serenity supports establishing a concurrent plan identifying a secondary permanent home meeting the needs of the child.
In support of this philosophy, Serenity became licensed as an Adoption Agency in 2006 to “dually prepare” foster parents for adoption of the children placed in their home, if reunification is not possible.
Our Children
Children come into foster care because their family is in a crisis and cannot care for them on their own. Foster parents have the opportunity to provide safe, nurturing homes to hurting children while their parents work through life challenges. These children need someone to help them thrive. Serenity will help you understand how to build trust and offer care in a way that allows your foster child to heal.
A child’s length of stay in foster care can range from a couple of days to several years. Although children in foster care can be any age, Serenity specializes in newborns and young children up to twelve years old. Most children in foster care will be reunified with their biological family, and about twenty-five percent will be adopted, often by their foster family. No matter how long a child is with you, your gift of love and care will last a lifetime.
Children in foster care have two common denominators – they have all been placed in protective custody through no fault of their own and each are in need of love and acceptance.
Why Children Come Into Care
Substance Abuse
Domestic Violence
Physical, Emotional, or Sexual Abuse
![Daughter on father's shoulders](https://cdn.firespring.com/images/36f51dc7-e7ef-41c1-bb90-902fb57559eb.jpeg)